The Bakersfield Distance Project is dedicated to:
The purpose of the Bakersfield Distance Project is to increase the opportunities for, and the number of,
Bakersfield long distance running athletes by creating a network of training environments and activities that will
produce more distance stars. The Bakersfield Distance Project will offer coaching assistance, identification and
support of athletes, promotion of athletes to college, training summits, high-altitude training camps and/or
sponsor recruitment assistance.
The recent successes of local long distance athletes like Billy Nelson and Chris Schwartz, has shown that the
there is talent locally and competitive athletes can emerge from our region. The Bakersfield Distance Project is
dedicated to identifying talented youth and training them to be competitive in high school and beyond.
The Bakersfield Distance Project has four areas of emphasis:
* Youth - After several years of covering high school cross country, one factor is consistent throughout all
programs. Exposure to cross country training and competition before high school is crucial. Too often
locally, athletes do not even know the sport exists till they get on their high school campus. So they start ay
behind other communities where their are youth programs. The great McFarland program (Nine state titles
and counting!) is a perfect example of early exposure to cross country.
* High School - Hopefully, one attends a school with a good coach and program. There are many locally but
there are some that are lacking. The Bakersfield Distance Project hopes to fill in the gaps of the lacking
programs and be a enrichment program for the good programs.
* During the high school season we will have a hands off policy unless the coach of your school agrees to let
us work with you. In the off seasons, we will offer training opportunities and groups to train with. We will also
participate in USATF events and road races.
* Becoming a good distance runner requires discipline and hard work and we hope to transfer these
qualities to your academics. We have vast experience in the college entrance process and hope to guide
you through the process.
* Open - This is the age group that we lose so many athletes and is the time where the training of youth and
ones maturation should bring about your best performances. But often athletes are left to there own devices
which often means giving up our sport before they reached their true potential. The Bakersfield Distance will
offer support to these athletes and their goals. Whether they be getting in shape for their college teams or
continuing to compete at the highest level possible after their high school and college careers.
* Masters - If you are 40 and over, we want you! Bakersfield has a tradition of good masters runners and
many inspired me when I was in high school trying to beat them at local events. There are all kinds of
masters competitions and we will help you train for the ones you want to excel at.
All four of these groups will at times train together and compete together. We want to build a sense of community
so you can achieve success.