Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sustained Distance Run

Sustained-Distance Run
Slightly higher in intensity and longer in duration is the SD Run. These distance runs of 40 to 60 minutes are used to develop & maintain an "endurance base". This base is the foundation on which the season is built. These SD Runs develop efficiency in oxygen uptake, fuel transference (both carbohydrates and fat), and heart rate to blood volume. They also contribute to a higher mileage total essential to an end of cycle tapering plan (more on tapering later). Because the SD Run is a medium intensity workout that also allows for recovery, it can be used effectively in many places in your schedule.

1 comment:

  1. The meat and potatoes of the conditioning period is the long runs, three a week. Many parts of your

    physiology improve as a result of these longer runs. The under-developed parts of your circulatory

    system are enhanced; neglected capillary beds are expanded and new ones are created. This increases

    oxygen transportation and utilization, thereby improving your Steady State. Also through aerobics

    training, your heart, which is just another muscle, becomes bigger and is able to pump more blood with

    each contraction and to pump the blood faster. Your lungs become more efficient, with increased

    pulmonary capillary bed activity, which improves the tone of your blood, allowing you to get more oxygen

    out of each breath. Blood circulation though out your body becomes better, waste products are eliminated

    more easily.
