I am starting a running/walking program for athletes of all abilities. The goal is to help athletes meet an endurance performance goal. My focus is to train athletes to complete half marathons (13.1 miles) and beyond. There are a couple local upcoming events to choose from:
November 14 | BTC Half Marathon Part 2 - 13.1 mile and 5K events. Check the webpage for all of the fun details. Online registration is available at Active.com. Or you can download a printable entry form. |
December 5 | Mr. Toads Wild Run - 5K, 20K Trail Runs starting at the Sheriff's Department shooting range in Hart Park, Bakersfield |
academy will meet at 6am and 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursday at Yokuts Park. We will also meet at 7am on Saturdays at various locations including races. You will be able to enroll in the academy at BuildingBetterBodies.Com.
Besides enrolling in the academy, you will need a few items:
- Good running shoes (I can help you pick some out).
- Running clothes.
- A watch with stop watch capabilities. I recommend the Timex Ironman Watch HERE.
- An Open Mind.
Since we only have a hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we will be moving the whole hour. Our schedule will be an active warm up, the main workout and a cool down, I really want to get an entire hour of running/walking in. On Saturdays, we will be having much longer workouts planned. In fact, before your event, we will have a workout as long as your expected finish time in the event.
too be contined ...
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